Cher Philippe
A Festschrift for Philippe Lejeune on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday. Essays on a life, life Writing and autobiographical Theory
Edited by T.G. Ashplant, Clare Brant, Ioana Luca. Co-ordinated by Petra van Langen and Monica Soeting
Essays by Julia Watson, John Eakin, Alfred Hornung, Craig Howes, Jeremy D. Popkin, Christa Hämmerle, Carole Allamand, Zoltán Z. Varga, T.G. Ashplant, G. Thomas Couser, Julie Rak, Arianne Baggerman, Rudolf Dekker, Regine Strätling, Leonieke Vermeer, Gergely Kunt, Pawl Rodak, Lisa Ortiz-Vilarelle, Gillian Whitlock, Monica Soeting and Clare Brant.
ISBN: 978-90-826730-2-9
Price: € 30,- (shipping included)